St Margarets Anglican Church, Eltham

The task at hand was to extend and renovate an existing mud brick hall that was adjacent to a 150 year old church. This beautiful church has been servicing their community for years and was starting to look its age.

Location: Eltham
Type: Commercial
Task: Conrad Construction and Management were introduced to this project by an Architect who they had worked closely with on prior endeavours. The task at hand was to extend and renovate an existing mud brick hall that was adjacent to a 150 year old church. This beautiful church has been servicing their community for years and was starting to look its age.

Overview: The church was hoping to extend and accomodate more people within the church for social gatherings and be able to provide an entertainment place for church goes after service. Conrad Construction and Management had done their fair share of churches so they were eager to get started on the project. Along with the extension, some of the renovations included new toilet facilities and a commercial kitchen to be installed. Difficulties Faced: Some of the obstacles that Conrad Construction and Management had come across while working on a historical building is that they are required to provide protection works throughout the project to ensure the church was not damaged under construction. Both of the buildings are iconic and cherished in the Eltham community, input by the community was abundant and Conrad Construction and Management has to ensure that the characteristics and integrity of the buildings are kept. Solution: As none of the “Difficulties” were too hard to handle, the only solution Conrad Construction and Management came to was to ensure that their communication channels were always open. By allowing this free flow of communication, no one was ever in the dark about what was happening and we were able to stick to our timeline. The end In the end, Conrad Construction and Management were able to complete this project with opening arms by the community of Eltham. All requirements were met and the church was pleased by the new kitchen and facilities, they were excited to be able to have social events and provide a space to which the whole community would enjoy.
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